Business Name
Village Office: 780-688-3928 or
Claystone Waste: 780-663-2038
1. All types of paper & newsprint, cardboard & boxboard:
- Recycle in the large, green "Allied Paper" bin
- Location: on the corner of 51 Street & 49 Avenue (same lot as Sewer Lift Station - across from Gazebo Park main entrance)
- Please flatten all cardboard boxes so that they take up less space.
- The bin is accessible at all hours, and is replaced regularly as it fills up.
- Questions or concerns should be reported to the Village Office.
2. Other items
- Many other items such as electronics, tires, oil & filters, paint, and batteries may be recycled at the Ryley Landfill, operated by Beaver Municipal Solutions
- Location: On Highway 854, on the east side of the Village of Ryley, 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) north from Highway 14, on the east side.
- Contact: Claystone Waste Office - 780-663-2038 or Ryley Landfill - 780-663-3888
Thanks for doing your part to Reduce, Reuse, or Recycle.