Business Name




Solid waste is collected in Holden by Claystone Waster.  Dumpster bins, located in the alleys, each serve approximately four properties. Residents should use whichever bin is closest to their residence or place of business. If it is full, they may feel free to use another bin down the lane.

Small items must be bagged. Branches should be cut to 3' lengths so that they fit inside the bin.

Prohibited items:

  • Liquid Waste
  • Scrap Iron
  • Shingles, tiles, sod, or any other overweight material that may make the bin too heavy to tip

Bins are emptied:

  • Thursdays - Residential
  • Mondays & Thursdays - Commercial

Special dates for "Large Item Pick Up" are arranged every May and October. Check the website News section, or the Village Office for upcoming dates.

Most other solid waste items, that cannot be disposed of in the bins, may be taken to the Ryley Landfill.



The Village of Holden owns and operates the local Sewer System. This requires a certified operator, constant maintenance, and regular reports to the province.

  • SYSTEM FACTS: The system includes over 5 km of collection mains, more than 40 manholes, two lift stations, and a 6-cell lagoon-style treatment facility.
  • SYSTEM USAGE: It is built to handle normal household or business wastewater. Chemicals, paints, excess cleaning products or other hazardous waste products should never be disposed of in the sewage system, as they may damage pipes, pumps, controls, or other components.
  • COSTS: The costs of operating, maintaining, repairing, and upgrading the wastewater system are covered by sewer utility charges (billed annually by Village of Holden, and combined with the garbage bill) and by grants or general tax revenue.
  • BACK-UP PROBLEMS: If a local property has a sewer back-up, the owner/occupant should contact the Village office to ensure that the problem is not in the main. If the main is clear, then the blocked service line is the responsibility of the resident.
  • STEPS: to take in clearing a blockage…
    1. A simple blockage may be cleared with a sewer snake
    2. More compacted blockages, or any root problems will require a “roto-rooter”.
      • Service lines that are cleared by roto-rooter will also benefit from the use of a root-retardant in the spring and fall. This is found in hardware stores and two brands are: ‘Home Plumber’ or ‘Ro-Tyme’. It is easy to use and effective in preventing further blockage.
    3. If a reliable roto-rooter company is unable to clear the line, then a camera inspection would be needed to determine what the issues are.
    4. Consult with the Village office and provide a copy of your camera inspection if a damaged line is suspected.

Note: The Village does not take responsibility for the costs of clearing or inspecting blocked service lines.

If there is a problem in the sewer main, immediate action will be taken by Village staff to clear the blockage.

Service lines that are damaged between the front property line and the main will be repaired by the Village, providing the damage was not caused by misuse of any kind. Repairs will be coordinated with the property owner if they wish to repair damages on the property side as well.


Sewer and Garbage invoices are sent out by the Village every January for the entire year. Call for current rates or look under Municipal Bylaws for "Sewer & Garbage Bylaw".

Payment options include online or telephone banking at most banks, in-bank payment, automatic debit, or in-person cash or cheque payment at the Village Office.

Residents are not required to pay the full amount of the invoice in January. This utility may be paid monthly or quarterly. There will be no penalty unless there is a balance remaining at 4:30 pm on December 31st.

Unpaid accounts are transferred to the property tax roll at year-end, and will be levied an 18% penalty on the first business day of January.

Please call the Village office if you wish to set up monthly automatic payments, or if you have any questions. 780-688-3928

Phone Number
Business Address
4810 - 50 Street
Box 357, Holden
Postal Code
T0B 2C0
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